Saturday, November 26, 2011

Party of Five - Family Photography

Today I had the opportunity to take pictures of my younger brother and his growing family.  Their kids are getting so big and baby #4 is on the way and due next July!  It was quite the day, besides feeling very sick, the girls didn't want to cooperate.  It made for an interesting shoot but to my suprise I think I was still able to get some cute shots.

 When everyone stood up, Payton sat down.  When everyone sat down, Payton stood up.  We just couldn't win!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The San Nicolas Bunch - Family Photography

Its such a blessing in life to have friends that you have known since your early teenage years, and to be able to see them get married to their true love and then get to be part of their life as they expand their family.  I was so honored to be asked to capture this precious family in photos.  The boys are so sweet and so active!  At one point I had to chase them down one at a time to bring them back and put them in their places.  They just giggled and giggled.  They were such a fun family...and who would of thought balloons would of been such a BIG hit!

 Loved watching the boys run and giggle as they chased the bouquet of balloons.

Love this picture....sooo funny....look at Jack go!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Precious Juliana - Baby Photography

Sweet little Juliana...She is one month old yesterday!  I had the pleasure of taking her Mommy's maternity portraits and then I was so lucky to be able to take her pictures as well.  She is just so tiny but sweet as can be.  She was a stubborn little thing to pose but once she got used to being moved around she relaxed and fell to sleep.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Holidays - Children Photography

Can hardly believe that it's already time to start taking pictures for Christmas Cards!  This year has really flown by for me and so many others that I know.  I can hardly believe how much these little stinkers have grown this year.  These are my BFF's little ones and even though they are not big fans of getting their pictures taken, especially Kamryn, they did really well with bribery of course....what would you do for some Halloween Candy??  Say Cheese!!