Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Vision Dressed in White - Children Photography

Well after driving all over Riverside County looking for the perfect location to take pictures of my beautiful daughter in her white baptism dress, without any success, I finally headed up to Cuyamaca to a field I knew.  It wasn't as green as I would have liked but I was very pleased with the way the pictures turned out.  She looked radiant in her dress and she loved running through the grasses.  At one point she looked at me and said, "I feel like a princess!"  How many times in our life do we actually get to say we feel like a princess?  I'm so glad that this experience was so meaningful to her despite the long drive and my unwillingness to compromise on a photo background.  I am so proud of her and her decision to be baptized and to come unto Christ.  I hope that she knows that she is a daughter of God and that she can always feel like His princess!